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[custom_heading level=”h3″ animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”100″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]About The Conference[/custom_heading][text animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]The 3rd Nigeria Conference on Adolescent and Youth Health and Development, EKO 2023 is a convergence of researchers, scientists, government and community leaders, development organizations, advocates, civil society, and learners to chart a course for universal access to health and development for young people. The conference, which will take place in Lagos state, Nigeria in August 2023, will focus the global community on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights around a shared goal of advancing the health, development and wellbeing of adolescents and young people in Nigeria.

The conference will also focus on youth as drivers of change in the achievement of the sustainable development goals, providing evidence-based policies, solutions and interventions for enhancing adolescent and youth health and development.[/text]

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[text animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]The theme of the 2023 conference; Achieving 2030 Targets: Driving Innovation for Adolescents and Youth Health, will provide an avenue to take a critical look at our journey towards achieving the set 2030 targets for adolescent and youth health and development. Deliberations at the conference will be underpinned by six of the sustainable development goals: Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities and Climate Action. The conference sub-themes will create opportunities for deeper engagements into specific categories of adolescent and youth health and development, and will be set to deliver on:

  1. Inclusivity, equality, and diversity in adolescent and young people’s research and programmes
  2. Gender-based violence and the health and well-being of adolescents and young people
  3. Adolescents and young people in conflicts and humanitarian situation
  4. Adolescents and young people: migration and cultural transitions
  5. Climate change and impacts on adolescent and young people’s health and development
  6. Adolescents and young people and the sustainable development goals
  7. Electronic media use, digital health, and young people’s health and development


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[text animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]The conference will bring together over 1000 people in Nigeria and across Africa through in-person convening and virtual platforms. The hybrid conference will run over a course of three days and will include workshops, presentations, networking events, participant and partner driven events and session, and exhibitions. The conference will start with a youth pre-conference on the first day, and two days of main conference activities. Delegates of the conference will include participants from the state and federal government, government agencies, corporate organizations, programme implementers, development organizations and donor agencies, Nongovernmental organizations and CSOs, diplomatic missions and bi/multi-lateral organizations, researchers, scientists, students, and individuals with an interest in promoting the health and development of adolescent and young people.

The conference will engage with individuals, institutions and organizations working on, or in relation to different aspects of adolescent and youth development through organized sessions. The conference sessions will include:

  • Plenaries on the subthemes of the conference
  • Breakout sessions to delve deeper into issues of adolescent and youth development and engagement
  • Scientific research and program verbal and poster presentations sessions
  • High-level sessions on youth development
  • Annual conference of the Society for Public Health Professionals in Nigeria
  • Thematic breakfast workshops
  • Exhibitions for partners and supporters to showcase their works


[text animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”300″ delay_duration=”500″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=””]Each session will explore different dimensions of adolescent and youth health and development, engaging in deliberations and knowledge sharing in crosscutting areas of data and technology, infrastructure, policy and programming.

Plenaries and panels will also focus on bringing thought leaders and decision makers on addressing issues for systemic and institutional development, and will explore opportunities and strategies for investing in adolescent and youth health and development as well as reaching the 2030 sustainable development goals targets.[/text]

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