• +2349134231184

  • conference@sayphin.org

Youth Pre-Conference

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In 2023, the world reached 8 billion people, and young people (under 25) make up more than 1.8 billion of these numbers. Young people represent the future generation and the workforce of tomorrow. By investing in their health and development, we are creating a prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future. By ensuring that they grow up to become healthy, productive, and capable individuals who can contribute to society and drive economic growth, and equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and opportunities, we nurture a strong human capital base for sustainable development. As such, it is important that we keep prioritizing their well-being, education, and opportunities, to unlock their potential, break barriers, and empower them to shape a better world for themselves and future generations.

The Society for Adolescent and Young Peoples’ Health in Nigeria, SAYPHIN will hold the 3rd Nigerian Conference on Adolescent and Youth Health and Development, EKO2023 on 16th – 19th August 2023, in Lagos State, Nigeria. The Conference, holding under the theme: “Achieving 2030 Targets: Driving Innovation for Adolescents and Youth Health”, will focus on the road to achieving the shared goal of advancing the health, development and wellbeing of adolescents and young people in Nigeria, and youth as drivers of change in the achievement of the sustainable development goals.

SAYPHIN is a platform for building greater capacity and promoting adolescent health research and effective services with a view to building new partnerships, obtaining new grants and initiating new dimensions of activities that will make us a Regional Centre of Excellence in Adolescent Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, such that we can not only nurture individuals but also mentor centres and institutions.[/text]

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The EKO2023 Youth Pre-conference is a 1-day event before the commencement of the main conference that will bring young people   from around the world with diverse backgrounds to advance the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice agenda forward. Concepts around human rights, inclusivity, justice, identity diversity and gender equity will be at the heart of this convening, and specific attention will be given to promoting creativity and innovation throughout so that all ideas are given lift.

The Youth Pre-Conference provides the opportunity for young people to meaningfully engage in and lead conversations. The Youth Pre-conference is a space for youth to convene, network, and gain the resources necessary to continue their programmatic work, advocacy and research in their respective communities and global platforms. Deliberations at the conference will be underpinned by six of the sustainable development goals: Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, reduced inequalities and climate action.

The SAYPHIN 2023 Youth Pre-Conference will provide participants an opportunity to address the following capacity strengthening needs: Fundraising, Advocacy & Accountability, Strategic communications, Strategic planning, and networking. Attendance to the youth pre-conference is free for all registered attendees of the EKO2023 Conference and all young persons under 29.[/text]

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To provide a safe space for young people to lead and meaningfully engage, share, and learn to contribute to professional and personal skill-building aimed at supporting their work to advance sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHR) agenda forward.

The objectives of the youth pre-conference are:

  • To reflect on the advancements in adolescent and youth health and development and develop strategies to sustain gains and increase momentum
  • To identify common challenges and critical factors necessary for the effective implementation of policies for adolescent and youth health and development, and developing actionable plans to support their implementation.
  • To create a framework for action that promotes continued research, learning and improvements among the community of practice on adolescent and youth health and development
  • To identify and promote data-driven and sustainable initiatives and programmes that lead to, and reinforce the case for increased investment in adolescent and youth health and
  • To engage with decision makers, stakeholders and leaders in relevant aspects of adolescent and youth health and development towards setting an agenda for prioritizing youth development and developing strategies for


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The following thematic areas have been selected for SAYPHIN 2023 Conference:

Track 1: Inclusivity, equality, and diversity in adolescent and young people’s research and programs

  • Youth leadership and meaningful participation in health and development policies and programmes (ASRH, digital health, climate change )
  • Political priority, policy advocacy and funding for adolescent health and youth empowerment programmes
  • Youth engagement and social accountability of adolescent health policies and programmes
  • Youth engagement and empowerment in electronic media use and digital health
  • Recognizing diversity and meaningful engagement of vulnerable groups (persons living with disability, persons living with HIV)

Track 2: Gender-based violence and the health and well-being of adolescents and young people

  • Harmful practices against women and children, including female genital cutting, child marriage and human trafficking
  • Dating and intimate partner violence, sexual harassment and rape
  • Sexual and gender-based violence: males as victims
  • Digital media use, sexual boundary violations and young people’s health and development

Track 3: Adolescents and young people in conflicts and humanitarian situation

  • Young people’s experiences and well-being in disaster and post-disaster
  • Knowledge and information-seeking among young people in conflicts situation, preventive measures, and practices
  • Epidemiology and control of communicable diseases among young people in conflict
  • Impact of conflicts and humanitarian situation on young people (education, mental and physical health, social interactions, sexual and reproductive health etc)
  • Access of young people to health and social services during conflicts and humanitarian

Track 4: Adolescent and young people and sexual reproductive health and rights

  • Sexual and reproductive health literacy, needs and behaviours
  • Adolescent and youth-friendly services: access, quality, and effectiveness
  • Adolescent pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and childbearing
  • Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV
  • Comprehensive sexuality education coverage and impact
  • Electronic media use, digital and mental health of adolescents
  • Current challenges of climate change and the health concerns of adolescent and young persons


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Youth engagement activities

  • Mobilization and training of young people on how to write abstract: Building the capacity of young people to showcase evidence-based programme.
  • Activation Campaign with young people in tertiary institutions, social spaces, Email Newsletter, Social Media handles, collaborating with existing youth friendly activities by providing technical support and on international dates.
  • Social Media Storm using Hashtags and E-Fliers of the conference and Twitter Space

Youth Pre-conference day

  • Main plenary sessions: The main plenary sessions focus on the theme of the preconference and are attended by all conference attendees – hosting up to 600 attendees. Plenary sessions delve deep into the thematic areas of the preconference and are hosted by partners with expert speakers and thought-leaders.
  • Concurrent sessions: Concurrent sessions are smaller, interactive spaces for facilitated discussions/workshops related to the thematic or capacity-building priorities stated above. The capacity for the sessions ranges between 50 – 100 people (theatre style) per room.


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Call for Youth Speakers

The Youth Engagement committee will invite dynamic youth presenters to participate in sessions at the youth pre-conference and main conference. We invite all young persons aged 15 – 25 years to share their knowledge and expertise with conference attendees by submitting an expression of interest to speak at the conference on topics of interest in line with the Youth pre-conference tracks.

Expression of interest should be emailed to sayphinconference2023@gmail.com. Application will open 15 June 2023 and closes 14 July 2023.


Call for Concurrent Sessions

The youth preconference will provide 60 minutes’ sessions for youth led and youth focused organizations to host concurrent sessions during the youth preconference under any of the pre-conference sub-theme focus. Expression of Interest opens 15 June 2023 till 28 July 2023.

Concurrent session submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Priority will be given to sessions that are planned and facilitated by adolescents and young persons between the age of 15 – 25 years.
  • Relevance to the Pre-Conference goal and objectives: Proposed sessions should clearly align with the Pre-Conference goal and objectives.
  • Interactivity of the proposed session: Priority will be given to sessions that are youth-centered, youth-friendly, fun, interactive and dynamic, allowing for full participation, mind-boggling and solution-birthing interactions and discussions amongst participants.
  • Clarity of session objectives and expected outcomes: Sessions should have a set of clear objectives and expected outcomes that connect to the overall objectives of the Pre-Conference. They should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.
  • Prioritize the use of creative and dynamic formats of participation and considering virtual participants to ensure a variety of fun interactions for breakouts and networking; and Ensure the inclusive participation of diverse groups and identities of youth


Sponsor a Youth Leader

The EKO2023 sponsorship program aims to provide financial assistance to young individuals who would otherwise be unable to cover the cost of attending the EKO2023 Conference. The sponsorship covers their full conference registration fee, return transportation (ground and/or flight), hotel accommodation, and feeding. An open call for scholarship applications will be announced on 19 June, 2023 and closes 28 July, 2023.

Preference will be given to youth participants who have been selected to present during the EKO2023 conference or will be speaking at sessions during the youth-preconference. The application will be open to all young people 15 – 25 years in Nigeria.[/text]